LOCAL Beara Honey

Beara Honey the best in the world, possibly

Why is Beara honey amongst the best honey in the world?
The Beara is the one of the few areas in Western Europe with little traffic, no pesticides used and with prevailing western winds which give a supply of fresh clean air from the Atlantic ocean, so there is no air pollution .These conditions are unique in the whole west of Europe. Since there is no industrial pollution, no highways and no pesticides it is therefore the bees collect pure nectar without any xenobiotics.
Why is Beara honey so delicious?
Beara Honey is from flowers in a mountainous area of special conservation. The large diversity of native grasses, flowers, trees and shrubs give the bees a various diet. Since Beara have the warm gulf stream around the peninsula without frost, the variety of wild vegetation is much larger than the average found on the main land. The bee season starts from early march till late September.

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Since a few years we have new honey from our hives in Derreen gardens, Lauragh. All made from the flowers and trees in this magnificent historic garden with exotic species.
This honey is exclusively sold in Derreen garden's cafe.

We extract the honey by cold spinning. No heating is used! Therefore all enzymes are kept intact and active. A varied amount of pollen is present in the honey with its inherent benefit.
Our centrifuge, strainers and jar filling tank are all made of food grade stainless steel. We have taken care not to introduce ANY substances in our honey during harvesting.Honey is nice to eat on its own or on bread, but can be used in a number of recipes. Look at our recipes page for ideas. If you have a recipe you like to share email it to us and we will add it to the web site.

Why are our bees so healthy?

Our bees live a natural life. They are healthy and thrive. They are very prolific because we do not transport the bees from orchard to orchards to fields etc. They stay year-round in one apiary. The bees have no stress. They do not have to starve at any time as they do in areas with abundant monoculture.
Colony disappearance disease or more officially Colony Collapse Disorder does not occur in this area.

How many bees does it take to fill a jar with honey?

One bee weighs in at .1 of a gram. She carries half of her weight in nectar with her to the colony: .05 gram. For 1Kg of honey bees need to make 50,000 trips or 40.000Km which is a trip around the world.
Bees work day and night without pause or rest until they die. And we work tirelessly to get you this unprocessed undiluted clean honey to enrich your life. We extract the honey using a centrifuge, not heat and only sieve the honey to filter out impurities. We leave the natural pollen in the honey increasing your guard against hey fever and other allergies.

For which home cures can you use honey?

Hay fever. The pollen in Beara Honey build protection from Hey fever by desensitising you from the pollen it contains. One tablespoon of honey is needed from three months before the hay fever season. Throat and chest infections Honey has disinfectant properties as explained below. Wound dressing. Beara Honey has a large quantity of Glucose Oxidase. When applied to a wound a natural hydrogen peroxide is formed that exists up to 48 hours. This peroxide is antibacterial. Honey is also used as a topical remedy to fight Candida.

What is the chemical analysis of Beara Honey?

Beara Honey
Consistency: liquid
Colour: light yellow/brown
Flavour and taste: aromatic
Water content in % (g per 100 g): 17.4
Sugar content: 82.6
PH: 4.00
Electrical conductivity
in microSiemens/cm: 260
Specific optical rotation in degrees: - 16.7 ° (left)
Enzyme activity measured as hydrogene
peroxide production in microgram
per gram per hour at 20 °C 15 (after 24 hrs: 75)
Microscopic characteristics:
Number of pollen/10 g: 25170
Number of honeydew elements/10 g -
Pollen types in %: Ulex (gorse) 27,
Deformed pollen 26
Lotus corniculatus (birdsfoot trefoil) 16
Trifolium repens (white clover) 6
Salix (willow) 6
Rubus (bramble) 4
Prunus avium [(wild) cherry] 4
Minor amounts of Acer (maple), Papaver (poppy), Ilex (holly), Ranunculus sp. (buttercup)

: The honey is very aromatic. It has a high sugar content and is therefore very suitable for long term storage. The natural peroxide activity increases with time and keeps on for a long time, at least 24 hours! Making this a very good quality honey, partly derived from gorse.

Water content (moisture): according to international regulations maximum water content for honey is 20%. At higher moisture contents yeast formation within 3 months may be possible. Below 17% no yeasts can grow in honey.
PH: some honey types have a low pH value of about 3.5 (Phacelia), clover and rape around 4.0, lime honey 4.4. Most honeydew honeys and Castanea honeys posses a pH of 4.6 and higher.
Electrical conductivity: like the pH the electrical conductivity is dependent upon the botanical origin of the honey. Low values for Phacelia, clover and rape honey (around 150 microSiemens/cm), lime honey around 500. For Castanea and honeydew honeys conductivity is high (1200).
Peroxide-activity: Upon dilution with water most honeys produce hydrogen peroxide due to the presence of the enzyme glucose-oxidase, which is an enzyme of the bee saliva. Hydrogen peroxide is one of the substances that is of interst in healing burning wounds, skin wounds and throat infections.
Strongly heated honey has no longer hydrogen peroxide activity.
Some honey types have no peroxide production. Most of the time due to the presence of the enzyme catalase which is present in the nectar of some plants and destroys hydrogen peroxide while it is formed.
Rotation: This is the rotation of polarized light by liquid honey and gives some information on the sugar composition. Normal flower honey turns this light to the left. But very strong left values indicate adulteration. Very high positive values (rotation to the right) also indicate adulteration. The range minus 5 degrees till plus 8 degrees indicate honeydew honey.
HMF: Maximum value according to international regulations is 40 mg/kg. HMF is formed by heating of honey. Strongly heated honey and traditional invert sugar syrups have very high HMF values.
Number of pollen and pollen types: For most honeys the number of pollen in 10 g honey is between 3000 and 500000. Pressed honeys have higher values.
Determination of the type of pollen in honey gives information on the botanical and geographical origin.
Honeydew particles are mostly mold spores and algae present in honeydew on leaves of plants and trees.

Honey and Crystallisation

Honey has a tendency to crystallise over time. This is dependent of the storage temperature. The best storage temperature is 10- 20 degrees C. Below 10 degrees C the crystallisation process accelerates.
Our experience is that we can keep our honey in fluid form for about 10 months after harvesting.
Crystallised honey has the same taste, but a slightly grainy texture of course. The beneficial properties of Beara honey are not changed when it is crystallised.
You can reverse te crystallisation process by heating the honey. HOWEVER, you must do this very carefully. Honey contains many enzymes that do not survive heating over 40 degrees C. You must therefore heat the honey very gently for instance by placing it near, but not TOO near the source like a stove or radiator. Microwave: Too course to control. Chance of overheating. Time is also an important factor in de-crystallising honey Much better to heat it for 5 days at 30 degrees then 6 hours at 40 degrees. Stir or shake the honey regularly during the process.

How can I buy Beara Honey?

Beare Honey is available exclusively in Eyeries from the Post Office, Cluain Carraigeach, Eyeries, Bantry, Co. Cork, P75 CP03 027-74001 E: marycauskey@eircom.net
In Kenmare from The Pantry.
And in Castletownbere from Loop de Loop
Derreen honey is sold exclusively from the Cafe in Dereen garden. 083 166 2160
Local Beara Honey is a high value product. It sells for 35€ per kilo. Jar sizes is 500Gr. And 275Gr. The supply is limited. If you want to order a larger quantity we advise you to order in advance for the next season. We have honey usually from June. Till we sell out.

For any queries you can contact Beara honey. Just email us via de link below.